Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Difficult, but Necssary Decision

By now most of you at the Bridge know that we have decided to cancel our Missions Trip to Mexico. Our missions team leaders began to wrestle with this after a travel alert was given by the state department a few weeks ago. This was a very difficult, but necessary decision.

It was difficult for many reasons. One because our love for and involvement with Mexican Medical Ministries for quite some time. Another because we had more people signed up to go than ever before and this would have been the first trip for a lot of them. Finally, we love the people there and were looking forward to sharing our lives with them for a few days.

So, after much prayer, lots of advice and input, the decision was made to cancel the trip. We felt the risks of going at this time outweighed moving forward. Our main concern at this point is for the safety of our people, especially since we had several students who were going. Our desire is to put together another trip there as soon as possible. We will keep you informed.

Please join with us in praying for Mexico and those who are ministering there at this time. We know our God is in charge and He will honor His name despite the turmoil and violence going on there. He will build His church.

There are times when following God means that we should take risks and there are times when we should not. I wonder what your thoughts are on how to know the difference when you need to make such a decision. I would appreciate your comments...

1 comment:

  1. BCC announced that they are considering cancelling in June because of the Mexican crisis. I am sure you're great congregation will find a way to help this worthy mission!

    BTW, I can "feel" risk vs safety -- for me, these decisions are spirit led.

