Sunday, March 11, 2012

Totally Alone

I spoke with a person recently who is plagued with loneliness.  She has people all around her- a great family and works with several different individuals. but still feels alone.  Can you relate?

Loneliness is on the rise in America today.  We are surrounded by people everywhere, but more and more people are saying the are more lonely than ever.  I'm not talking about a general  feeling of being alone but a deep sense within your own heart that you are alone-that no understands or can relate.  It's that sense that there is something so wrong with you that no one wants to know you and you do really want them too.  You are afraid that if they really knew you they would not like you anyway.

But there is some great news for me and you about all of this.  Jesus, himself, can relate to us in ways that we never dreamed possible.  He experienced a deep loneliness, a separation from the Father, he was forsaken and abandoned while hanging on the cross.

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).” (Matthew 27:46)

Jesus was TOTALLY ALONE on the cross.  He was taking the sine of the world upon himself and being judged for all of the wrongs that we have done.  But there was more that was happening to him.  He was not only suffering FOR US He was suffering WITH US.  

He understand because He has been there.  The God of the universe stepped into this world in the person of Jesus Christ.  He suffered on the cross as my substitute but also so that He could identify with us in our pain.  You can come to him today with your pain and your loneliness and know that He understands and He can help.  

“I could never myself believe in God if it were not for the Cross. In the real world of pain how could one worship a God who was immune to it.” John Stott  

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