Monday, April 27, 2009


I find it interesting that we all make our plans and, we should make our plans, but then we think that we will be able to accomplish whatever it is we set out to do. Then life happens and our plans seem to be stopped. We don't know what to do and we find it hard, almost impossible, to make adjustments.

Maybe what is happening is that God has his plans and He has another thought in mind for us-a thought that has never entered into our minds. This is what happened to Saul in Acts 9.

Saul is adamantly against the Christians. He has made plans to disrupt what they are doing and he believes that he is doing God's work. But, then, God steps in and changes everything. He stops what Saul is doing and actually redirects Saul's life to accomplish the plans that God has for him.

God does this. He stops us and changes things whenever he wants to in whatever way that he wishes to. That is what I think I need to remember. God will accomplish His plans and he may even change my plans today to do this. God has done this in my life more than I can count. And, he may do it again this week.

Do you find yourself at a place where your plans are not working? Are you in a situation that you never thought you would be in-but you are? Maybe, just maybe God has something different in mind for you and maybe it's in these situations that we most need to look up and ask Him for our next step. Whose plans are driving your life today?

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